Dec 10, 2013


It was always a fun time of year growing up when mom started getting out her Christmas decorations. I still remember the 2 cloth elves we used to sit or hang from the scroll work on the lamps. Your Christmas decorations are an easy way to make sure that you're acknowledging Christ in Christmas. I'm making it a goal to have a nativity in every single room in our house - including the bathrooms. When talking about decorating with nativities I realized we only have one in our house, so I'll be shopping those after Christmas sales to add some more nativities to our house. I have a friend who has a nativity in their living room. They set it up, but they don't put baby Jesus in it. The kids put baby Jesus in another room and every day as they count down the days until Christmas they move him closer and closer to the nativity. Then, on Christmas morning, He's placed in the nativity.

Angela, another one of my friends, decorates her Christmas tree with nothing but ornaments with a message. What an incredible idea! So, every ornament on her tree points to the real meaning of Christmas. This year she found an ornament that says "Christmas was never about the gifts, it was always about the Presence." Isn't that awesome?

Look around at your decorations. Are they reflecting what Christmas REALLY is about in your house? Are you decorating with Santa or the REAL meaning of Christmas? That's an easy fix, and again, your children will be surrounded by the real meaning of Christmas!

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